Ad Council: Prediabetes Year 1
Agency: Ogilvy NY
86 million Americans are affected by prediabetes. And despite this huge number, awareness of this public health crisis was negligible. Our task was to change that but in a very approachable, non-scary kind of way. In order to do that however, we needed people to take a simple test. Not a simple task.
So Instead of creating a standard TV spot to raise awareness around the test (although we did some of those too), we built the actual risk test into a direct response TV spot, so every viewer would know if they had prediabetes – in real time. The project resulted in a Cannes Lion.
2016 Cannes Bronze Lion
2016 Cannes Shortlist
2016 WPPed Cream Awards
Coverage highlights also included Bloomberg News Online, CNBC, CNN Money, Univision, U.S. News and World Report, Telemundo, Yahoo! and local FOX, NBC, ABC, NBC, and Univision affiliates across the country.
Ad Council: Prediabetes Year 2
Agency: Ogilvy NY
The brief remained the same from year one - get people to take a quick test to understand their risk. But how do you top the success of the previous year, and not make it feel like a part deux?
We looked to common online behavior where our target spends hundreds of minutes per year watching videos of cute animals doing (insert literally anything here.) So we created some of those videos ourselves - and included the test within.